Is An Affidavit Always Required To Be On Stamp Paper?
Affidavits are legal documents used to make sworn statements, affirmations, or declarations. They play a crucial role in various legal, financial, and administrative matters. However, there is a common misconception that affidavits must always be on stamp paper . In this blog, we will explore the nuances of affidavits, when stamp paper is required, and when it isn't. What Is an Affidavit? An affidavi t is a written statement of facts made voluntarily by an individual under oath or affirmation. It is typically used to provide evidence in legal proceedings or to confirm the truth of specific information. Affidavits can be required for a wide range of purposes, including: Legal disputes Immigration and visa applications Property transactions Name changes Education and employment verification Government documents and licenses Affidavits and Stamp Paper The use of stamp paper for affidavits largely depends on the specific requirements of the authority or institution requesting the affi...